A number of great blogs have recently run features on our very own Kim Roberts.
C.M. Mayo has a nice post about Kim, where she calls the author of The Kimnama, "DC's Poetry Goddess. Check it out at Madam Mayo.
Over at Shiva's Arms, Cheryl Snell asked Kim to guest blog about her use of travel journals in constructing first drafts of The Kimnama. Check it out at Shiva's Arms.
Sarah Browning reviews The Kimnama on her site. The Poets Against War board member writes:
"Emotional issues live at the heart of the work -- faith, compassion, our human differences and similarities -- always treated with nuance and understatement. And yet the poet is unafraid to let love stand as the final and central touchstone..."
Read the full review on Sarah Browning's Blog.
Lastly, Didi Menendez, editor of Mi Poesias has started a fascinating new blog highlighting women publishers. Her interview with Kim can be found at Women On The Web.