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Jan 16, 2008


Michael Gushue

I dunno. The letters kind of look like beet-flavored jigglers, so maybe it’s a nod to Dana Goia from when he had the Jell-O marketing account with Nabisco?

To me this poster says something like “I’m Toby Maguire and beet-flavored jigglers are falling out of the sky into my black and white hands as if this were a product placement outtake from the movie Pleasantville.”


“Hi! I opened my severed hands and alphabetical letters of jellied oxblood flew into the air to spell out, um, A Methanol Pinyon Tort? A Hotplate Tinny Moron? Antimatter Hoop Nylon? Well, anyway, go read poetry.”

And what’s with those weird indentations on the “N” in MONTH? Teethmarks?

And finally I thought the use of the word “stone” in poems had been made illegal by a rider to the Poetry Accessibility Act of 1992. Oh, wait, it rhymes. I think that’s one of the exemptions for use.

Collin Kelley

I'm tempted to lob that old "wish in one hand, shit in the other" bot mot, but...oh, wait...I just did.

Dan Vera

Love it. Both on point.


Nice site ;)

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